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banjos in culture

Types of Banjos for Classical Music

The banjo is an ancient instrument, used across various genres of music. Its versatility allows it to fit seamlessly with classical pieces due to its diverse sound palette that easily complements other instruments. There are various kinds of banjos, each featuring its own design and tuning characteristics. Here are a few things you should keep …

Canada – Multicultural and Diverse

Canada Imagine yourself walking through a city that is cosmopolitan and hearing a mix of English, French, and Chinese people all speaking one voice. Imagine a vast land that stretches from the Pacific to Atlantic, from the gentle coastal lands of British Columbia to Newfoundland’s beautiful icy glaciers. Imagine a land that is rich in diversity, with …

Toronto – A Treasure Of Museums And Art Galleries

Toronto There are many museums and galleries in Toronto. The city is a popular destination year round because of the many museums and art galleries. The Royal Ontario Museum is a famous museum that houses millions of Native American and Egyptian artifacts. The Museum of Television offers a fascinating insight into the remarkable phenomenon of television. The Bata shoe …

Diverse Mexican Art and Craft Traditions

Mexico Mexico is a country with many cultures. Its history can be divided into two periods: the Pre-Hispanic or Hispanic. Pre-Hispanic periods were cultures that existed prior to the arrival of Europeans. This was approximately 500 years ago, when the Europeans invaded Mexico. Both of these periods have left us with a rich heritage in craft and art. Mexican crafts …

A city full of culture and art

Houston, Texas Houston, Texas, the largest city of the Lone Star State is fourth in the US, right after New York City and Los Angeles. Houston, TX is still being discovered every day by people around the globe. It is located just upstream of the Gulf of Mexico and is a major port for markets around the …

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